A book about learning JavaScript
《JavaScript Concept Sandwich: Mastering Fundamentals and Syntax at a Glance》 (“JavaScript 概念三明治:基礎觀念、語法原理一次帶走!” in Chinese) is an extended work derived from my participation in the ITHome Ironman Challenge .
This challenge is a technical writing competition where participants must publish one technical article per day for 30 consecutive days without interruption. My entry, The Awakening of JavaScript Force , focused on using flowcharts and diagrams to visualize the mechanics of JavaScript. This approach deepened my own understanding while aiming to help beginners grasp the language more effectively. Ultimately, my entry received a merit award.
This was truly an incredible experience. Although the process was exhausting, it not only gave me a sense of accomplishment after the competition but also deepened my understanding of JavaScript as I completed and refined the articles into a complete book.